Alcohol Use Assessments and Evaluations

imagesAlcoholism is progressive in nature.  Over the course of time, the problem will only get worse.  As alcoholics, we are often brilliant at devising tactics and mechanisms to keep away from people who are trying to convince us that we need help.  By doing so, we fall victim to the devastating effects of alcoholism.
If you or your loved one finds yourself questioning whether alcohol may be a problematic impact on your life, an educated, experienced, Alcohol Assessment is a service that we can do for you.

In a private, confidential, one-on-one setting, we will go over a series of questions, take time to listen to concerns, and work together with you and come up with the best plan to fit your individual personal growth.

It can be a difficult time in your life when faced with a decision to seek guidance, where alcohol is a concern.  We use an honest, caring, educated approach to get you or your loved one on the path of progress.
Please…Ask yourself these questions:

    1. I have tried to stop drinking or using alcohol and failed.
    2. I have missed days at work or school or my performance has suffered because of my drinking or drug use.
    3. I have loss of memory or “blackouts” after I have been drinking.
    4. I have legal issues because of my drinking or drug use.
    5. My drinking or drug use has caused problems in my relationships
    6. I wish people would stop bugging me about my drinking or drug use.
    7. Sometimes I need a drink in the morning to get going or to stop shaking.
    8. I feel like my life would be better if I stopped drinking or using drugs.
    9. I feel like my life would be better if I stopped drinking or using drugs.
    10. I have thought (or are thinking about) dying or killing myself.

Contact us today to schedule your Alcohol Assessment at 612-636-0801.  Or email