About Edward Whittaker

Edward Whittaker has over 18 years experience working in the field of Chemical Health Assessment and Counseling.  He has a Master of Science and a Bachelors of Science in Psychology, and the compassion and understanding to help those that are suffering in addiction to realize there is hope and a way out.

Edward’s philosophy is re-learning how to live.  He believes in focusing on the solution, dealing with life on life’s terms in a positive, open-minded, way, and learning to live life without having to “cope” with drugs and alcohol.

Edward has years of experience with Primary Treatment Facilitating, and as a Primary Treatment Counselor, and After Care counselor.  He has compassion and understanding for one-on-one therapy sessions, for grief, family, and dependency counseling.

If you are a family member, and are concerned about a loved one, Edward Whittaker can work with you and help you with one-on-one counseling, and help you in meeting with the person with the possible dependency issues to do a complete, compassionate assessment.